Organist Jonas Karlsson Plays Bach – MIN SYN PÅ BACHSPEL (Video)

This video was recorded in 2016 at my home organ. I play different organ works by Bach, and I explain how I think, when I play theese works. I don’t try to make Bach’s music sound like it it did, when Bach himself played it. I am more like an entertainer. Hopefully with great taste. The organ is from 2014, and far away from the instruments Bach used.

The video is in Swedish.

Organist Jonas Karlsson on Swedish Television – Year 2004 (Video)

Swedish Organist Jonas Karlsson on Swedish television

This is a fun memory for me. I am playing the organ on Swedish television, before a concert tour. And I try to describe the music I play for the tv team. I am playing two of the my own compositions, and I improvise a fugue over a well known children song.

This was recorded in September 2004. I am playing on my own digital church organ, a Gem Plenum.