Pianist Jonas Karlsson – Schumann – Träumerei (Video)

Robert Schumann – Träumerei

This is a live video from my last concert. I just wanted to show you my way of playing romantic piano music. This is the first bit of Schumann’s Träumerei, Op. 15. This is recorded in December 2021, at the Steinway grand piano in the EFS Church, in Östersund – Sweden.

From my point of view, I believe that it is a good idea, not to play each note the way you expect it to sound. A few small unexpected things, makes the ear start to listen. I also surprise myself with theese things, just to get the right live-feeling when I play. This time, I created a sharper sound, and stayed a little longer on certain stressed notes, to draw more attention to them. I also played the highest note in the A7 chord almost pianissimo. As a surprise.

I hope you enjoyed this short sample from my recital.

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