Organist Jonas Karlsson – My childhood

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I started to take organ lessons when I was a little boy. On this photo I am 9 years old. 

I was much more interested in playing music, than other subjects in school. And I could play songs by ear. I learned playing music so fast, that I pretty soon started to play on a real church organ in my home church. Mostly I was composing music, or improvising music, when I sat at the church organ. 

As a child I did not care so much about the pop music, that most kids listen to. I enjoyed listening to Chopin. When I for the first time heard Bach’s music played on a harpsichord, I felt hypnotized. 

As a child, I always heard music for my inner ear. I was often composing music inside my head. Music that only I could hear. So it felt important for me, to learn how to play the music. So that other people also could hear this music. 

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