Pianist Jonas Karlsson – My Way (Video)

This is my latest video on YouTube. It was recorded in Mars 2020. 

This is the well known pop song ”My Way”. For me, that is an Elvis hit. Because I love the studio recording Elvis did of this song. 

I want the song to have the same kind of energy, that you can find in Elvis’ recording. I have often played ”My Way” on my organ recitals, but as a piano encore. After the organ music. 

But this recording is not made live. It is made in an empty church, late at night. It is a soft version of the song. I improvise when I play, and I don’t want it to be a virtuoso solo, but something that touches your heart. 



2 kommentarer på “Pianist Jonas Karlsson – My Way (Video)

  1. Har nu i sena timmen lyssnat på ”My Way” Blir rórd till tårar. Du är ju otrolig! Det skulle vara underbart om vi skulle få dig hit till
    Paris… svenska Klubben o Sv kyrkan i Paris.kKan du kopp.a upp dig på viber? I så fall kan vi prata utan kostnad. Vi hórs,du kan få nr av Stig/ alexandra.Sov gott!

    Gillad av 1 person

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