Pianist Jonas Karlsson – Ludwig van Beethoven


It is difficult to find a more interesting piano composer than Ludwig van Beethoven.

Allready as a teen, I was so impressed by Beethovens piano sonata No. 8 ”Pathetique” and the wild third movement from piano sonata No. 14, known as  the ”Moonlight Sonata”.

Why so impressed by Beethoven? Well, in his music, there is something innocent and yet very powerful. There is always a perfect balance and intelligence in his music.

But there is even more to discover. The three last piano sonatas by Beethoven, feels almost like a spiritual journey. In the very last sonata No. 32, Opus 111, Beethoven used every trick he could find, to go beyond the musical dimensions that people know about. Not only is the music beatiful, but also ”electrical”. He even introduced the jazz rythm in that sonata.

Bach wrote amazing fugues. Beethoven didn’t care so much about writing fugues, but when he used counterpoint in his music, it was because he wanted the music to tell you something.

The chords Beethoven used in his music are not far away from the chords you can find in pop music. 


Even in a slow sonata movement by Beethoven, you need to find perfect balance and flow, when you play the music.

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